Morgane Oger Foundation applauds Oger v Whatcott BC Human Rights Tribunal setting limits on publishing hatred

The Morgane Oger Foundation agrees with today’s BC Human Rights Tribunal decision: the protections of freedom of expression and freedom of religion set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights have limits. Publishing material which refuses to recognize a transgender woman as a woman and incites hatred or discrimination on that basis is prohibited under section 7 of the BC Human Rights Code.

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Morgane Oger
Morgane Oger Foundation Applauds City of Vancouver Putting Inclusion First

Morgane Oger Foundation Applauds City of Vancouver Putting Inclusion First in VRR March 14 Direct Social Services Grant Program decision:
City funds Rape Relief for 2019 “to avoid service disruption”, declares VRR ineligible for all future grants until it meets inclusion criteria, The Oger Foundation urged city to ensure that public funds never be accessible to organizations that do not adhere to their funding agency’s inclusion criteria.

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